Who We Serve: Retail Industry

Retailers are closer to the consumer than any other type of business.
Retail businesses directly see the positive impact they have on consumers, but proximity to consumers also comes with unique challenges. When customers place special orders, retailers have to take them, and it’s their job to find and coordinate a supply chain to meet those orders. When products become unavailable, retailers have to explain why they can’t find what customers are looking for. In short, retailers have to be the public face of every logistical problem.
Industry Statistics
4 Hours
80 Hours
2.5 Minutes

Retailers must work hard to ensure supply chains are solid.
Businesses in this industry search far and wide for good suppliers, making sure their carriers are tried and true. No matter how effective a frontline carrier is, sooner or later, they'll have a mishap. In those situations, access to emergency freight services is a life-or-death matter for a retail business.
AirFreight.com by the Numbers

AirFreight.com is committed to making sure your retail company thrives.
We’re expert coordinators of expedited freight and can direct the emergency carriers you need to get out of any logistical jam. Our resources span both the sky and the ground. Whether you have to transport something across the continent or “just” a few hundred miles, we’ll get the job done in less than a day. No matter the conditions you're facing, you can count on AirFreight.com to complete your delivery and keep your store in the black!

AirFreight.com is proud to serve small storefronts.
Local shops can count on a dedicated customer base, having shown their communities that they know their needs well and will cater to them carefully. To maintain that reputation, small retailers have to jump at the first opportunity to help customers, no matter the unique challenges that opportunity presents.
Coordinating Deliveries Involving Rare and Distant Parts
We connect even the smallest retailers to supply points across the continent by taking advantage of our:

Airline Network
AirFreight.com specializes in coordinating air deliveries. Regardless of where on the continent your items or supplies come from, we can get them to you quickly because we've woven a web of cargo airplane partners throughout North America. Our airline affiliates span the continent, giving us the freedom to fly in products or inputs from any location. No matter where your store gets wares, count on us to fly them to you in a matter of hours.

Truck Connections
AirFreight.com supplements our massive airline network with a chain of trucking partners that is every bit as massive. We form partnerships with drivers of all types, from Sprinter van operators to those trained to operate eighteen-wheelers to truckers with experience in every other variety of vehicle. With so many trucking partners in our network, we have the capacity to quickly pick up your items and deliver them to the airport. We can also coordinate deliveries over a small distance entirely by truck.

Special Services
AirFreight.com offers a number of services tailored to getting you out of even the most difficult shipping jams. Chief among these is our air charter service, where we set up a new flight entirely for your items, so you can even ship items at late hours when scheduled flights aren’t operating. We provide similarly specialized trucking services, and notably assign our affiliated drivers in teams of two so their vehicles stay on the road night and day without the operators becoming too tired to complete the job safely.

Meeting Customers' Unique Needs
AirFreight.com is committed to getting to know our small retail clients on the most detailed level. We study your unique needs, your community, and the history of your business. That way, we're able to anticipate your shipping challenges before they arise and have a plan in place to deal with them. With AirFreight.com on your side, you get the best expedited delivery solutions for your specific business.
Supplying at Scale
AirFreight.com offers emergency freight system services. We have more than a decade of experience working with large retailers and other businesses operating on a similar scale. We stay prepared to react quickly to supply chain mishaps by:

Planning an Alternative
AirFreight.com finds multiple routes, considering all the roads, connecting flights, and other paths your items could take along the way from your starting point to your destination. We select the most promising of these possibilities for your order, but we keep the other ones in mind as your items are on their way. If a traffic jam, flight cancellation, or other issue makes a promising route look distinctly less promising, we’ll know the next-best route and make the change immediately.

Tracking & Reacting
AirFreight.com works with its airline and trucking partners to make sure the most advanced monitoring equipment is available for every vehicle in our network. Such equipment then allows us to know the exact location of the truck or flight carrying your order at any given time. We triangulate this data with reports on weather, traffic, airfield maintenance, and a host of other factors that affect the speed of your delivery. We can then take decisive action, steering your truck around the obstacle or switching your cargo to a new connecting flight.

Centralizing Command & Control
While all our plans and tracking data are highly valuable, they won’t do a bit of good unless they’re properly filtered in real time. This is why AirFreight.com has centralized coordination efforts. A team of emergency freight experts is available at all times to review your order, find the best routes, find trucks and planes to deliver along those routes, and track those trucks and planes from start to finish. By leveraging our data and resources in real time, our centralized team keeps your order on schedule.

Keeping Constant Contact
Through these efforts, AirFreight.com keeps shipping issues localized and resolves them quickly, so your company doesn’t have to devote other resources and risk throwing off the entire supply chain. To learn about all we do to help retailers, large and small, visit AirFreight.com today, or give us a call at (800) 713-1000.
Industries We Serve
Aviation & Aerospace
The consequences from lost power production are serious for any business. Equipment failure is one of the biggest causes of energy production downtime. Losses compound exponentially with delay, loss of energy capacity, or the idling of plants for scheduled or unscheduled maintenance. Whether it's a hydroelectric power station or solar farm, you need a 3PL provider who can move your parts and equipment safely and securely while meeting your most stringent deadlines.
Farming & Food
Oil & Gas
Renewables & Environment
Cost of Urgent Shipping
Which of our specialized shipping services best fits your needs?
Blog and Resource Center
How AirFreight.com Solved a PGA Tour Shipping Emergency
Learn how AirFreight.com located a lost shipment and helped save the PGA Golf Tour.
How AirFreight.com Saved The Farm By Solving A Major Shipping Delay
Learn how we saved a Montana-based artisanal farm thousands of dollars by expediting a shipment of perishable goods.
Expedited Shipping Vendor Comparison
We’ve done the research for you. This vendor comparison sheet breaks down how AirFreight.com stacks up against the competition.