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Exclusive Content and Invitation to the Cold Chain Canada Summit

To conclude the week, here at AirFreight.com we wanted to take a deeper look at the forthcoming Cold Chain Canada Summit in Toronto that takes place from February 29 to March 3 in Toronto. In addition, by joining our Air Freight LinkedIn group, you can receive a special discount for your conference pass this year (full details are below). 

Ronald Schaefer, Project Leader CEIV Pharmaceutical Logistics of International Air Transport Association dives into the complex process of transporting life science products by air.

Cold Chain Ron Schaefer

He discusses:

  • The top three risks and potential gaps along the cold chain experienced by airlines, ground handlers, airports, etc.
  • Practical solutions proposed to the industry through certification and how they will improve the handling of pharmaceuticals in the air cargo environment
  • Insights into the Brussels Airport CEIV Community Approach
  • The benefits for the entities involved, Brussels Airport and Belgium

Air Freight GDPSchaefer will be speaking at the Cold Chain Canada Summit event this February 29-March 3 at the Hyatt Regency Toronto. This 4-day program will allow you to get up close and personal with experts in the cold chain industry, who will be sharing their solutions to overcome common challenges faced by professionals in pharma, biotech, and healthcare. These experts include:

  • Ian Holloway, Senior GMP Inspector, MHRA
  • Rania Al-Ammar, Regional Director, Commercial Quality, Hospira, a Pfizer company
  • Irina Burcescu, Director of Regulatory & Supply Chain, Shoppers Drug Mart - Specialty Health Network
  • Rafik H. Bishara, Ph.D., Technical Advisor, and former Director, Eli Lilly and Company

Air Freight Logistics Summit

As a member of the Air Freight LinkedIn group, you receive a 20% discount on your conference pass! Just use your promo code: 14CCCAN_AIRFREIGHT when you Register Online or email enquiry@iqpc.com

See you at the event!

The Cold Chain Canada Team

enquiry@iqpc.com | 1-800-882-8684

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